4:1 Current Balun Dual core 1500 watts RTTY, 3KW ICAS Review

4:1 Current Balun Dual core 1500 watts RTTY, 3KW ICAS

  • Dual F240-61 cores
  • Full power balun for OCF antennas, folded dipoles, Zepp, longwire, and multiband delta loop antennas.
  • Stainless steel hardware.

Product Description 4:1 dual core current balun Constructed using dual 240/61 cores. Stainless steel hardware. This 50:200 ohm dual core current balun is actually designed for a 65:260 ohm making it useful for 75:300 and 50:200 ohm ranges. We have measured it at 100, 200, 300 and 400 ohm loads with satisfactory conversion results capable of tunable SWR under 2:1 with an antenna tuner. At 50:200 it has an SWR < 1.25 from 1.8 to 30 Mhz and has been used very successfully with a 160 meter OCF antenna (20% offset feed point). With dual cores you get great frequency range, equal current in each leg and very conservative 1.5KW rating. Full power balun for OCF antennas, folded dipoles, Zepp, longwire, and multiband delta loop antennas. A real workhorse with built in choking action for common mode rejection.

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